Buy what you can afford.

 beThere is always that moment when you see a piece of jewellery that you fall head over heels in love with. If you can afford it,buy it,love it,enjoy it. But we are living in very uncertain times and security of income is to the front of everyone's mind. OK so there you are and this wonderful piece is winking at you seductively. What to do. If a deal can be done with the dealer that you can handle comfortably,go for it,but if on the other hand that is not possible,walk away. 
The one thing I can say is there is no shortage of beautiful jewels out there,and that will always be the case. Buying a piece that will stress you out financially will make you fall out of love with it very quickly and that is never a great result.
On my site at the moment there is a wonderful selection of "holiday jewellery"all in sterling silver and set with an amazing variety of CZ stones or marcasite. These pieces are sparkly,fantastic quality,and classy. In the case of the CZ pieces they ape the sparkle and look of diamonds perfectly. So while to wait to get the "real thing" you can give yourself a boost,look great and be stress free.